To the respectable Moderators


Oct 13, 2021
Take this for what it's worth. This is what has been going on at this site for a long while now. The reason why therx is being held back from reaching it's greater potential and getting younger, sports orientated posters to join or stay here.

This site is basically overrun by extreme right wing, old republican posters. Their racist, hostile, extremist views are the minority in the real world, so they've created a little safe haven for themselves here. Just look at all the racist, homophobic, anti women nonsense that goes on here without repercussions.

Their strategy is to bully, intimidate and discredit (as much as you can discredit anonymous posters online lol) new posters, or any posters that vote Democrat, or don't agree with their extreme views.

They will attack any poster that leans Left like rabid dogs. Ganging up on them until they get fed up. That's why they hate me so much, because they can't get to me. And they can't stand it. They won't admit this. But it's true.

They just want to spread their extreme, nonsense right winged propaganda on here. Any little or big story they can find that makes the Left look bad, or that they can twist around to make them look bad. I mean I can sit around all day and find unflattering stories about the Right all day and post it too. They will post in main forum. If they aren't allowed, or the thread gets moved, they will enter harmless threads about sports or non political topics and start up their nonsense there. Example: ''Such and such player injured at the start of the big game'' It's inevitable that they will come in and start up about, who cares, overpaid Liberal scumbag such and such. Or just add in Liberals such whenever they can even if it doesn't fit lol.

And if you don't agree with their views, they will attack you and follow you around in any thread. It doesn't matter what the topic is. Even if they agree they will attack you because you lean left and their aim is to chase you out.

They will whine and create stories about new posters being ghosts. LOL. This is a hilarious one. If a new poster comes in and they see he leans left, they will immediately accuse him of being a ghost. If he leans right, they won't utter a sound.

They will come at anybody and any thread, like this one and say, look at you! You're a hypocrite! You create threads about politics and this and that too. Yet they don't realize that if you go back, the rightwing extremists on this site are the ones that always start it, and when they get a taste of their own medicine, they get all worked up.

They are the majority here and like their little safe kkk haven they've created here. Because in the real world, they are anti social, hostile, racist outcasts. They can't utter a word of their extreme views because they know they might get fired, get their asses kicked in, or other consequences. So they vent here. Lol. As futile as it is.

This is hardly a sports forum. It's dominated by politics. And we get enough of that nauseated garbage on tv and everywhere. And it's the same group of morons too. WIllie99, stevieray, sheriffjoe, gasman and a few others lol. Rabid dogs. Always foaming at the mouth. Fighting like hell to keep this safe little kkk haven of theirs that they've created.

Well, I'm one poster that you can't beat. You can't win. You can't get to me. And I''ll ya...forget getting to me...I feed off of your hate lol. I really do. They don't make em like me anymore. I'm tough as nails you snowflake rejects of society. There'something mentall off about these guys.

So my point is. To the Moderators. Lay down the law. Make this a sports forum. Not a political forum. I guarantee you that if you clamp down on all the racist, homophobic, sexist nonsense on here. More posters will join. Quality, sports loving players. Clamp down on the trolling, following posters around just because they lean left. Clamp down on the incessant propaganda that these right wing extremists are pushing on a daily basis whenever and wherever they can. Same old nonsense. As if their lives depend on it lol.

Mind you, I'm not a model poster either. But I'm willing to do my part also.

Now bring on the hate and you sick twisted logic and attempts to discredit me and claims of me being a ghost (boo hoo lol) and all the attacks that you angry right wingers resort to like little kids.

It makes me stronger. I feed off of it.

Therx is fine. It's great. Y'all are doing a great job. But the political overtone on this site...I mean..It's played out. Sports are back and life is great. I'm sure we can make this site even better and more sports oriented. When is the last time you opened a thread and laughed? It's the same old nonsense about politics and trying to discredit the other side.


May 15, 2022
It’s the same 8-10 right wingers with 4 different names. They’ve been here for years and have been terrible. They are the worst people. This site has been dead for a while, it’s because of right wing extremists. It won’t get back to greatness until they cut ties with some of these loons that have been here too long. They offer nothing. They don’t bring in posters, they don’t post anything interesting. They are old, white, angry and have lost in life.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Take this for what it's worth. This is what has been going on at this site for a long while now. The reason why therx is being held back from reaching it's greater potential and getting younger, sports orientated posters to join or stay here.

This site is basically overrun by extreme right wing, old republican posters. Their racist, hostile, extremist views are the minority in the real world, so they've created a little safe haven for themselves here. Just look at all the racist, homophobic, anti women nonsense that goes on here without repercussions.

Their strategy is to bully, intimidate and discredit (as much as you can discredit anonymous posters online lol) new posters, or any posters that vote Democrat, or don't agree with their extreme views.

They will attack any poster that leans Left like rabid dogs. Ganging up on them until they get fed up. That's why they hate me so much, because they can't get to me. And they can't stand it. They won't admit this. But it's true.

They just want to spread their extreme, nonsense right winged propaganda on here. Any little or big story they can find that makes the Left look bad, or that they can twist around to make them look bad. I mean I can sit around all day and find unflattering stories about the Right all day and post it too. They will post in main forum. If they aren't allowed, or the thread gets moved, they will enter harmless threads about sports or non political topics and start up their nonsense there. Example: ''Such and such player injured at the start of the big game'' It's inevitable that they will come in and start up about, who cares, overpaid Liberal scumbag such and such. Or just add in Liberals such whenever they can even if it doesn't fit lol.

And if you don't agree with their views, they will attack you and follow you around in any thread. It doesn't matter what the topic is. Even if they agree they will attack you because you lean left and their aim is to chase you out.

They will whine and create stories about new posters being ghosts. LOL. This is a hilarious one. If a new poster comes in and they see he leans left, they will immediately accuse him of being a ghost. If he leans right, they won't utter a sound.

They will come at anybody and any thread, like this one and say, look at you! You're a hypocrite! You create threads about politics and this and that too. Yet they don't realize that if you go back, the rightwing extremists on this site are the ones that always start it, and when they get a taste of their own medicine, they get all worked up.

They are the majority here and like their little safe kkk haven they've created here. Because in the real world, they are anti social, hostile, racist outcasts. They can't utter a word of their extreme views because they know they might get fired, get their asses kicked in, or other consequences. So they vent here. Lol. As futile as it is.

This is hardly a sports forum. It's dominated by politics. And we get enough of that nauseated garbage on tv and everywhere. And it's the same group of morons too. WIllie99, stevieray, sheriffjoe, gasman and a few others lol. Rabid dogs. Always foaming at the mouth. Fighting like hell to keep this safe little kkk haven of theirs that they've created.

Well, I'm one poster that you can't beat. You can't win. You can't get to me. And I''ll ya...forget getting to me...I feed off of your hate lol. I really do. They don't make em like me anymore. I'm tough as nails you snowflake rejects of society. There'something mentall off about these guys.

So my point is. To the Moderators. Lay down the law. Make this a sports forum. Not a political forum. I guarantee you that if you clamp down on all the racist, homophobic, sexist nonsense on here. More posters will join. Quality, sports loving players. Clamp down on the trolling, following posters around just because they lean left. Clamp down on the incessant propaganda that these right wing extremists are pushing on a daily basis whenever and wherever they can. Same old nonsense. As if their lives depend on it lol.

Mind you, I'm not a model poster either. But I'm willing to do my part also.

Now bring on the hate and you sick twisted logic and attempts to discredit me and claims of me being a ghost (boo hoo lol) and all the attacks that you angry right wingers resort to like little kids.

It makes me stronger. I feed off of it.

Therx is fine. It's great. Y'all are doing a great job. But the political overtone on this site...I mean..It's played out. Sports are back and life is great. I'm sure we can make this site even better and more sports oriented. When is the last time you opened a thread and laughed? It's the same old nonsense about politics and trying to discredit the other side.

Fake news as usual


Oct 13, 2021

Mar 5, 2009
It’s the same 8-10 right wingers with 4 different names. They’ve been here for years and have been terrible. They are the worst people. This site has been dead for a while, it’s because of right wing extremists. It won’t get back to greatness until they cut ties with some of these loons that have been here too long. They offer nothing. They don’t bring in posters, they don’t post anything interesting. They are old, white, angry and have lost in life.
Who creates another username to reply to their own post?? A pussy that’s who.

Oct 13, 2021
What a fucking broad this guy is. Such a pussy.
Get a life you 5 ghost loser.

BOOM!!! Lol. Whatever the fuck that means.
Lol. Bring it snowflake clown. Why are you getting your panties in a twist bitch? LOL

Oct 13, 2021
Yup...usual suspects...rabid dogs...foaming at the mouth.

Sep 21, 2004
Take this for what it's worth. This is what has been going on at this site for a long while now. The reason why therx is being held back from reaching it's greater potential and getting younger, sports orientated posters to join or stay here.

This site is basically overrun by extreme right wing, old republican posters. Their racist, hostile, extremist views are the minority in the real world, so they've created a little safe haven for themselves here. Just look at all the racist, homophobic, anti women nonsense that goes on here without repercussions.

Their strategy is to bully, intimidate and discredit (as much as you can discredit anonymous posters online lol) new posters, or any posters that vote Democrat, or don't agree with their extreme views.

They will attack any poster that leans Left like rabid dogs. Ganging up on them until they get fed up. That's why they hate me so much, because they can't get to me. And they can't stand it. They won't admit this. But it's true.

They just want to spread their extreme, nonsense right winged propaganda on here. Any little or big story they can find that makes the Left look bad, or that they can twist around to make them look bad. I mean I can sit around all day and find unflattering stories about the Right all day and post it too. They will post in main forum. If they aren't allowed, or the thread gets moved, they will enter harmless threads about sports or non political topics and start up their nonsense there. Example: ''Such and such player injured at the start of the big game'' It's inevitable that they will come in and start up about, who cares, overpaid Liberal scumbag such and such. Or just add in Liberals such whenever they can even if it doesn't fit lol.

And if you don't agree with their views, they will attack you and follow you around in any thread. It doesn't matter what the topic is. Even if they agree they will attack you because you lean left and their aim is to chase you out.

They will whine and create stories about new posters being ghosts. LOL. This is a hilarious one. If a new poster comes in and they see he leans left, they will immediately accuse him of being a ghost. If he leans right, they won't utter a sound.

They will come at anybody and any thread, like this one and say, look at you! You're a hypocrite! You create threads about politics and this and that too. Yet they don't realize that if you go back, the rightwing extremists on this site are the ones that always start it, and when they get a taste of their own medicine, they get all worked up.

They are the majority here and like their little safe kkk haven they've created here. Because in the real world, they are anti social, hostile, racist outcasts. They can't utter a word of their extreme views because they know they might get fired, get their asses kicked in, or other consequences. So they vent here. Lol. As futile as it is.

This is hardly a sports forum. It's dominated by politics. And we get enough of that nauseated garbage on tv and everywhere. And it's the same group of morons too. WIllie99, stevieray, sheriffjoe, gasman and a few others lol. Rabid dogs. Always foaming at the mouth. Fighting like hell to keep this safe little kkk haven of theirs that they've created.

Well, I'm one poster that you can't beat. You can't win. You can't get to me. And I''ll ya...forget getting to me...I feed off of your hate lol. I really do. They don't make em like me anymore. I'm tough as nails you snowflake rejects of society. There'something mentall off about these guys.

So my point is. To the Moderators. Lay down the law. Make this a sports forum. Not a political forum. I guarantee you that if you clamp down on all the racist, homophobic, sexist nonsense on here. More posters will join. Quality, sports loving players. Clamp down on the trolling, following posters around just because they lean left. Clamp down on the incessant propaganda that these right wing extremists are pushing on a daily basis whenever and wherever they can. Same old nonsense. As if their lives depend on it lol.

Mind you, I'm not a model poster either. But I'm willing to do my part also.

Now bring on the hate and you sick twisted logic and attempts to discredit me and claims of me being a ghost (boo hoo lol) and all the attacks that you angry right wingers resort to like little kids.

It makes me stronger. I feed off of it.

Therx is fine. It's great. Y'all are doing a great job. But the political overtone on this site...I mean..It's played out. Sports are back and life is great. I'm sure we can make this site even better and more sports oriented. When is the last time you opened a thread and laughed? It's the same old nonsense about politics and trying to discredit the other side.


Says the racist Jew-hating scammer that's already been banned here at least 5 times.

Fucking clown.


Oct 13, 2021
Who creates another username to reply to their own post?? A pussy that’s who.
Hey, let's make a bet. Let's have the Moderators check the IPs and prove that it's not the same posters? Not even close. Wanna play? ....Bitch?

Like I'm dumb and petty enough to create a username on the same day, same thread and reply to it lol!

Only a moron like you would think that. Go on...ask the Mods. You wanna join the other right wing morons getting bitchslapped by me on a daily basis? You wanna try me bitch?



Oct 13, 2021
Says the racist Jew-hating scammer that's already been banned here at least 5 times.

Fucking clown.

Lol says the paranoid, lying, bigoted old limp dicked clown.LOL


Oct 13, 2021
Mods...please check the IPs that these little girls with their panties in a twist are whining about and tell them that it's not even close...LOL.

I love it!

Thanks for the laughs bitches. I got a ball game to get to. PEACE!


I win again! I own you fools.

Oct 13, 2021

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
The hypocrisy is off the charts. Lol.
the queen that posts weak memes and spews unreadable political opinion garbage talking about others posting less nonsense.

Lol. Queen is good for a laugh. Carry on bro, entertainment at its best, wouldn’t be surprised if you were a paid tool here.

Explosion Boom GIF - Explosion Boom Iron Man GIFs

Jan 13, 2019
Take this for what it's worth. This is what has been going on at this site for a long while now. The reason why therx is being held back from reaching it's greater potential and getting younger, sports orientated posters to join or stay here.

This site is basically overrun by extreme right wing, old republican posters. Their racist, hostile, extremist views are the minority in the real world, so they've created a little safe haven for themselves here. Just look at all the racist, homophobic, anti women nonsense that goes on here without repercussions.

Their strategy is to bully, intimidate and discredit (as much as you can discredit anonymous posters online lol) new posters, or any posters that vote Democrat, or don't agree with their extreme views.

They will attack any poster that leans Left like rabid dogs. Ganging up on them until they get fed up. That's why they hate me so much, because they can't get to me. And they can't stand it. They won't admit this. But it's true.

They just want to spread their extreme, nonsense right winged propaganda on here. Any little or big story they can find that makes the Left look bad, or that they can twist around to make them look bad. I mean I can sit around all day and find unflattering stories about the Right all day and post it too. They will post in main forum. If they aren't allowed, or the thread gets moved, they will enter harmless threads about sports or non political topics and start up their nonsense there. Example: ''Such and such player injured at the start of the big game'' It's inevitable that they will come in and start up about, who cares, overpaid Liberal scumbag such and such. Or just add in Liberals such whenever they can even if it doesn't fit lol.

And if you don't agree with their views, they will attack you and follow you around in any thread. It doesn't matter what the topic is. Even if they agree they will attack you because you lean left and their aim is to chase you out.

They will whine and create stories about new posters being ghosts. LOL. This is a hilarious one. If a new poster comes in and they see he leans left, they will immediately accuse him of being a ghost. If he leans right, they won't utter a sound.

They will come at anybody and any thread, like this one and say, look at you! You're a hypocrite! You create threads about politics and this and that too. Yet they don't realize that if you go back, the rightwing extremists on this site are the ones that always start it, and when they get a taste of their own medicine, they get all worked up.

They are the majority here and like their little safe kkk haven they've created here. Because in the real world, they are anti social, hostile, racist outcasts. They can't utter a word of their extreme views because they know they might get fired, get their asses kicked in, or other consequences. So they vent here. Lol. As futile as it is.

This is hardly a sports forum. It's dominated by politics. And we get enough of that nauseated garbage on tv and everywhere. And it's the same group of morons too. WIllie99, stevieray, sheriffjoe, gasman and a few others lol. Rabid dogs. Always foaming at the mouth. Fighting like hell to keep this safe little kkk haven of theirs that they've created.

Well, I'm one poster that you can't beat. You can't win. You can't get to me. And I''ll ya...forget getting to me...I feed off of your hate lol. I really do. They don't make em like me anymore. I'm tough as nails you snowflake rejects of society. There'something mentall off about these guys.

So my point is. To the Moderators. Lay down the law. Make this a sports forum. Not a political forum. I guarantee you that if you clamp down on all the racist, homophobic, sexist nonsense on here. More posters will join. Quality, sports loving players. Clamp down on the trolling, following posters around just because they lean left. Clamp down on the incessant propaganda that these right wing extremists are pushing on a daily basis whenever and wherever they can. Same old nonsense. As if their lives depend on it lol.

Mind you, I'm not a model poster either. But I'm willing to do my part also.

Now bring on the hate and you sick twisted logic and attempts to discredit me and claims of me being a ghost (boo hoo lol) and all the attacks that you angry right wingers resort to like little kids.

It makes me stronger. I feed off of it.

Therx is fine. It's great. Y'all are doing a great job. But the political overtone on this site...I mean..It's played out. Sports are back and life is great. I'm sure we can make this site even better and more sports oriented. When is the last time you opened a thread and laughed? It's the same old nonsense about politics and trying to discredit the other side.

:an_laugh:? Jattqueen

Mar 5, 2009

make a bet with me??! Sure you pussy clown.
I bet that not a single person reads your whiny bitch ass complaint.

you are the laughing stock of this forum, never forget.

Oct 31, 2004
No way a single person read the entire OP

Jan 5, 2008
Mods 100% seem to side with the White Racist Old Republican Klan Members of The RX who worship their God Mr Donald Trump!

Because not one single Mod gave a fuck replying to this dumb JackOffKing shit thread. Good because white racist old republicans need a safe space to ya know. Safe spaces still a thing?

The R in RX stands for Racist Republican Federation! Symbolism is similar to Russia and the Big Z they put on tanks.

#Clayton Bigsby President 2024

#JackOffKing is a fucking idiot troll

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